A general meeting of shareholders (GMS) is the highest shareholders’ decision-making forum. GMS is also the shareholders’ platform for exercising their rights to obtain information, convey opinions, and submit questions, provided that they are relevant to the GMS agenda and comply with the company’s articles of association and the applicable laws and regulations. GMS implementation is regulated by the articles of association and the Financial Services Authority’s Regulation no. 15/POJK.04/2020 on the Plan and Implementation of General Meetings of Shareholders by Public Companies ("POJK 15") and no. 16/POJK.04/2020 on the Implementation of Online / Electronic General Meetings of Shareholders by Public Companies ("POJK 16").
The company’s GMS consist of annual GMS (AGMS), which is conducted once a year and extraordinary GMS (EGMS), which may be conducted at any time necessary.